The Humble Bumble

This supercharged Whiskey Sour combines notes of lemon, lime, and vanilla with a distinct honey base that would make even the pickiest bees happy.

Make The The Humble Bumble


1.5 oz. HoneyDew .5 oz. Lemon Juice .25 oz. Lime Juice .75 oz. Honey Syrup 1-2 Dashes Cardamom Bitters 2 Dashes Vanilla Infused Angostura Bitters Emulsifier (egg white/faba)
Star Divider

Vanilla Infused Angostura 1 Large bottle Angostura (16oz) 1 Vanilla Bean Pod Strip vanilla bean pod, combine with angostura, allow to steep for 24hours.

Honey Syrup 2 parts Honey 1 part Water Measure honey to determine hot water, combine and whisk to dilute, store cold.

METHOD Add all ingredients to a shaking tin with ice and shake vigorously. Strain into a coupe glass and garnish with cardamom pods.


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